I bought this disc after being a fan of the Meteor Hammer, being in the same line (Tortoise line) as the Tomahawk and it did not disappoint!
It flies how it's ratings suggest, straight and true with the usual stand out stylings of Yikun.
Will more than likely buy again!
Fran Johnson
Flipping heck!!
Got this one last week in the infamous "Tenner Tuesday". Almost certainly the most understable disc in the mid ranges I bag! and as such has a definite part to play on most courses.
I took it out into the practice field, and my first few throws became instant rollers! I gradually dialed in more and more Hyzer till suddenly a wonderful flip to flat and ride!!!
The Tuesday evening guys tried it and found the same. Once you know what its going to give you, then it will be a useful addition to the armoury.